What if, once again, Christians were known to take in orphans and make them beloved sons and daughters? Russell Moore

About Us

Bridges of Grace is a ministry of Grace Covenant Church in Austin, Texas. Out of a personal need for connection of other adoptive families and as an avenue to care for orphans, the ministry was started in 2005.

Bridges serves adoptive families and potential adoptive families by encouraging, educating and serving families through:
  •  Adoption Community Groups (2-3 meetings/ Fall and Spring Semester)
  • Created to Connect Study Groups (various times throughout year)
  • A Future and A Hope Adoption and Foster Care Conference (February)
  • Resources on-line and through mentoring and personal contact
We are also part of a partnership with Food for the Hungry and 14 evangelical churches in Zeway, Ethiopia to care for orphans who are the head of their own households.  For more information about this ministry, go to Hope in Ethiopia: ZY

If you would like more information, please contact Julie and Matt